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What is the best grind for my brewer?

There are basically six grinds to be concerned with: Coarse, Perc, Drip, Fine, Espresso, & Turkish. Coarse grind is for what we call "cowboy" coffee. This is when the coffee is put into a pot of boiling water, usually over a campfire. We don't recommend this method! Next is Perc. grind. This is the best grind for electric percolators, Chemex, and "french press" makers such as Melior, and Bodum. Drip grind is the most common grind, and is best used for any drip machine that uses flat bottom filters (Mr. Coffee, Proctor Silex, Black & Decker, etc). Fine grind is reserved for any maker that uses cone shaped filters (Melitta, Braun, Krups, etc). Also used for non-pump driven espresso machines. Be careful though, if you use one of those "gold filters"in your cone shaped brewer instead of paper filters, you must use drip grind in your cone shaped maker. (Do yourself a favor and throw away the gold filter, and go back to paper...more on this later) Espresso grind is reserved for pump driven espresso machines. Turkish Grind is for making "Turkish" or "Greek" coffee. Similar to "cowboy" coffee, but a lot stronger! What's our favorite? Either Chemex or Melitta.